R.A.T. Your Rodent Around-the-World Traveler (a.k.a. Raz)

Hi, My name is R.A.T., which stands for Rodent Around-the-World Traveler (I like to think it stands for Rodent Adventure Traveler), but everyone here calls me Raz for short. I would love to share my adventures with you. I left my rat family in early January to seek adventure. Everyone said "head west young rat," so that is what I did. I headed west to San Diego, California where I ran out of land and had to hop on a ship to continue my journey. It turns out that the ship I found was going west around the world--a dream come true! The MV Explorer is home to the famous Semester at Sea study abroad program. My shipmates include 629 college students and about 150 faculty, staff, lifelong learners, and family members. Things are really busy here on the ship and even busier when we are in port. Come follow me vicariously as I take this incredible journey. Yours, R.A.T.

P.S. I had such a great time on the voyage that the adventure continues!!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Chicago - Leaning Towers & Lollapalooza!

Yes, it's Chicago--Really! Well, actually, no the campanale is in Niles, but that is just north of Chicago. We didn't get to see the Leaning Tower in Pisa when we were in Italy, so I was able to visit this almost full-size replica on my visit to Chicago. 

It was pretty tall (94 feet). I liked the rows of columns and arcades.
Here I am holding it up!

I also had some good chats with a couple of Chicago-Italian lions at the tower.
I then went down to the Loop for an evening of entertainment. The Sky Ride Tap opened in the 1930s and was named after the Skyride the Eiffel Tower of the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair.
I walked pass this huge mural.

This building had a pretty neat fractured facade.
I then went to Lollapalooza to see Paul McCartney! There were a lot of people there!!!

Sir Paul rocks pretty good for a 73 year old! Here is a clip.

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